will never sell or share your personal information. Please see our Privacy Policy.
We are here to help. If you need help deciding how to price your resale, we can assist you. Here are some commonly asked questions to get you started. will never sell or share your personal information. Please see our Privacy Policy.
Our team of expertes review the details of what you own, including your brand, resort, week, season, whether or not you have points, and more to assist you in pricing your timeshare. Depending on your goals (if you want a quick sale, if you need to cover remaining mortgage expenses) we can help you decide how to price your ownership.
We can still help you. And if you do not know every detail about your ownership, we may be able to assist you in finding the necessary information. For an initial market value survey, the more information you can give us the better, but we can provide you with pricing details regardless.
If you are considering selling your timeshare, the first step to this process is learning how much it is worth. We have real estate agents on hand to help with determining the market value, based on similar units that are available at your resort. If you are interested in learning how much your timeshare is worth, simply fill out the form above to get started on your free, no-obligation assessment.
Since pricing a timeshare is the most important step to successfully reselling it, we want to help you determine how much yours is worth. By understanding what prices are too high and too low, you can maximize your profit while selling it to your buyer at a fair price.
Some factors have a greater impact on your timeshare’s value. These factors include:
For any questions or concerns about the process, call a timeshare resale specialist at 1-855-825-1438.